Digital Revolution: the radio is already in the future
We make available the solid experience of qualified professionals and support radio broadcasters in the transition towards a new digital radio era: the digital world and, particularly, social media, are taking over and playing a crucial role in the transformation of the radio through new modes of interaction and involvement of listeners.

Radio 4.0® Suite

Digital Technology


a new radio experience
Radio 4.0 suite allows for complete freedom of use in time frames and with methods which adapt to the needs of the listeners, offering a truly unique experience.

The Radio…

The Listeners…

Thanks to social casting, this is a participatory and interactive model for listeners to enjoy on-line editorial content.
The radio becomes more personal and shared, and offers the possibility of creating content which is more and more interactive and new. In a simple and immediate way, you’ll be able to capture and maintain the attention of your audience while measuring interaction and engagement.

Thanks to social casting, this is a participatory and interactive model for listeners to enjoy on-line editorial content.
The radio becomes more personal and shared, and offers the possibility of creating content which is more and more interactive and new. In a simple and immediate way, you’ll be able to capture and maintain the attention of your audience while measuring interaction and engagement.

Radio 4.0 suite increases the potential of exposure and monetisation of content after it has been published, with no extra work required on behalf of the broadcaster.
Listeners will feel they have more control of the audio content and have a radio which is always close and tailored to the users.